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Town III (Cell)


Collage/acrylic on fiberboard
32 x 25 cm
12.6 x 9.84 in

Text ⇒

"Love's not attachment. Love does not yield sorrow. Love has no despair or hope. Love cannot be made respectable, part of the social scheme. When it is not there, every form of travail begins.
To possess and to be possessed is considered a form of love. This urge to possess, a person or a piece of property, is not merely the demands of society and circumstances but springs from a far deeper source. It comes from the depths of loneliness. Each one tries to fill this loneliness in different ways, drink, organized religion, belief, some form of activity and so on. All these are escapes but it's still there."

-- Jiddu Krishnamurti's Notebook

Location ⇒